Depending on one needs, there are many study methods that one can employ to aid in their academic success. We use a variety of methods, what method do you believe helped you the most?
Testimonials and Various Success Stories
These are testimonials from students (unchanged to show authenticity). For privacy reasons, many students are referred to by numbers, but I can attest that all these testimonials are from students I worked with.
Good afternoon, Professor Kelley:
I got the results back from my three tests: 80, 83, 86. The first two test scores were for 2 of my biology courses ( microbiology and A&P respectively.). I have never gotten these kind of results on my first science tests of the semester let alone throughout the semester!
Camri (Fall 2015)
"Words cant describe how your efforts, methods, and changes has helped me to improve and help me to progress with my academic changes. Due to your method of studying I have successfully brought my GPA from a 2.7 to a 3.2 in a single semester. You have showed me that the sky is the limit with education. I pray that I continue to rise with my grades as the semester goes on but i will continue with your methods to go on to law school. Thank you for your time. "
Olu (Spring 2017)
Dear Dr. Kelley,
I feel like I need to thank you again. Final grades just were posted, and I did it, I got a 167.2 on the final! At the very least, I have gotten a C in Chemistry, which at midterms seemed impossible for me. Thank you so much for helping me this semester, I honestly cannot thank you enough! You helped me regain my confidence and helped me to start reaching my full potential. Thank you so much! You truly are the best!
Hello Dr. Kelly,
Thank you so much for helping me create strategies to help me stay focus and study for my exam. I have really bad anxiety and your workshop about how to properly study through anxiety really helped me..When I first can to Brockport I had a 1.33 GPA and I struggled to increase my GPA. I had tutors and managed to create a study pattern but I was still making B's. However, with your help with working on how to properly study I was able to receive A's. This semester I was able to increase my overall GPA from an 2.76 to a 2.98 with two A's and two A-'s.
Thank you,
Older Testimonials and Success Stories
From: Student 2
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:58 AM
Subject: Final Grades
Dear Dr. Kelley,
As you know, I was REALLY struggling with my grades at mid-semester, not just Chemistry, but the majority of my classes. I started to meet with you twice a week to go over my questions in Chemistry and I began using your study techniques in my other classes... I got a 175.9 out of 200 on my final Chem test!!! I was fluctuating between C+ and low B- all semester and I finished with a solid B! I finished my first semester in college (very far from home) and while taking 18 credits with a 3.6 GPA. I cannot thank you enough Dr. Kelley! You didn't just help me in Chemistry, you helped me in all of my classes, and you helped me get my confidence back in my academic work.
Merry Christmas and thank you again, (Student 2)
From: Student 3
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 5:13 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Chem 205 final grade
Hey Dr. Kelley
Hope you had a great holiday and I just wanted to say thanks to your study tips and methods I finished with a B in chem 205! Thanks so much and I look forward to you teaching lab in 206 this coming semester.
Thanks again!
-Student 3
From: Student 4
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 3:15 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Hi!
Hi Dr. Kelley!
I hope you had a great Christmas and a happy New Year! I just wanted to say thank you for all of your help last semester; I ended up with an A!!!
Thanks again and I'll see you next semester!
-Student 4
From: Student 5
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 12:37 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Dr. Kelley,
I met with you a few weeks ago for help improving my grades. I just wanted to let you know that your study tips have helped and because of them, I'm finally able to understand what I'm learning in class. Thank you for teaching me how to study because now I have the confidence to continue through the semester and pass classes I was failing.
Thank you,
-Student 5
Final semester results from student 5:
From: Student 5
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2013 2:19 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Final Grades
Dr. Kelley,
I'm very happy to tell you that my grades exceeded my expectations. I went from failing genetics with a D and was able to turn it around to a C within just a few weeks. I also was able to do very well on my biochemistry final and improved from a B+ to an A-. I wanted to thank you for helping me to improve my grades and I look forward to talking to you next semester for further improvement.
Thank you,
-Student 5
From: Student 6
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 5:04 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Thanks for the help!
Dear Dr. Kelley,
Thanks to your study techniques, I have really started to not only improve in my classes but now I feel like I'm actually learning too. Before I used your study technique I was getting between 45-50 in every chemistry test then after I used your method I got a 67 on the last chemistry test. The study schedule that you helped me create is a life saver. It keeps me organized, and when I'm following it, I feel less stressed out.
Student 6 earned a grade of C+ in Chemistry 205.
From: Student 7
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 6:20 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Also I got a 92 on my final for one of my classes I think I will have all As and Bs for this semester! Thank you so much Dr. Kelley for showing me how to study. I feel a lot more confident in my school work and also in myself!
7 earned a grade of B in Chem. 205 and was taken off of academic probation (Probation
1). The student's Fall 2013 semester GPA was the highest since attending The
College at Brockport (SUNY).
From: Student 8
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 11:37 AM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Thank you for the study help!
Hi Dr. Kelley,
I just wanted to thank you again for all the help with studying you gave me last semester. After I started using your study tips, I raised my grade from a B to an A and got a 209/200 on the final exam! I have already started applying them this semester (Spring 2014), and I notice a big difference in my general understanding of the class topics.
Thanks again,
-Student 8
From: Student 10
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:00 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: My learning progress
Hello, Dr. Kelley
This is a response to your earlier request regarding how my previous semester went in Chemistry and overall. I finished Chemistry I (Chem 205) with an A, and my overall average was greater than 3.5.
Thanks for your help,
-Student 10
Spring 2014
Student 11 Initial Contact
From: Student 11
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:10 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Chemistry 206
Hi Dr. Kelley,
I hope you are enjoying the break and the much needed sunshine. I am concerned about my chemistry grade and hope that it isn't too late to bring it up. I was hoping I would be able to work with you before the next test to better prepare as I didn't do well on the last exam. I feel that your study success will help me out and look forward to meeting with you. I wanted to send you an email to express my concern. I will most likely be in on Fridays during your office hours because I have classes during your other hours, if you are available at any other times, maybe more before the test that I could make an appointment that would be great!
Have a great break and I look forward to working with you!
Student 11
Student 11 follow-up email
Student 11
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 2:57 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Chem Test
Hi Dr Kelley!
I just wanted you to know that I got a 91/120 on my chem test! It is not as well as I wanted to do, but I earned full credit on every calculation problem; I lost the points on the multiple choice questions! I am so glad I was introduced to your study tools!
Thank you,
Student 11
Student 11 updated email and new problem (concussion)
From: Student 11
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 1:57 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Exam 3
Hi Dr. Kelley,
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your help this semester. I did not receive the marks I was hoping for on this exam. I got a 78/120 and with the 7 extra points the instructor mentioned at the end of class, I will earn an 85/120. I am very frustrated because I know I could have done a lot better if I did not have a concussion. I am not placing blame on my concussion because I need to get over it and keep on working, but I am really bummed because I know I will not be able to earn the grade I was hoping for in Chemistry II. But I just want you to know that I do appreciate your help!
Have a great day,
Student 11
Student 11 preparing for the final exam
From: Student 11
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 8:44 AM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Weekly Schedule
Hi Dr. Kelley
I have attached the schedule I made up and will follow religiously. I am very worried about all of my exams, especially chemistry. Let me know what you think about this.
Thank you so much for all of your help!
Have a great day!
Student 11
Student 11 Chemistry 206 results
From: Student 11
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 11:09 AM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Chemistry
Hi Dr Kelley,
I hope this email finds you well. I just looked over my chem grade and am quite discontent. I worked very hard this semester especially with my medical issues towards the end of the semester. I got a 146/200 on the final which was about 30 points higher than the average. I was hoping this would bring me to at least an A-.
Student 11
This student finished with a B+ in the course while suffering with a concussion.
Student 12 initial contact
From: Student 12
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 4:38 PM
Subject: Lab Section 06
Student 12
Lab Section 06
Kelley, Algernon
Hi Dr. Kelley,
I am in your section 6 lab. I did not do as well as I would have liked to on either the lab quiz or the lab itself. Would it be alright if I came in tomorrow, Friday, after class to discuss how I might be able to bring my grades up for future quizzes and labs? I remember you saying you had open office hours then.
Thank you,
Student 12
Student 12 follow-up after making a study plan
From: Student 12
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 7:46 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Study Plan
Hi Dr. Kelley,
I made the study plan as you'd recommended. I attached it if you'd like to take a look. Have a good break!
Thanks for your time and help,
Student 12
Student 12 Chemistry 206 results
From: Student 12
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 3:55 PM
Subject: Exam 2 and the Study Cycle
Student 12
Exam 2 and The Study Cycle
Kelley, Algernon
Hi Dr. Kelley,
I just wanted to let you know that your study techniques helped me a great deal on the chemistry exam. I received a 106/120 on this exam versus the 80/120 on the last. Just thought you'd like to see how your techniques were helping.
Student 12 earned an A in Chemistry 206 (Fourth highest grade out of 200 students)
Student 13 was referred to me by an academic advisor for a non-chemistry related issue.
These emails were sent after we discussed how to study and make a study schedule.
From: Student 13
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 4:12 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Bio Psy Exam Updated
Good Afternoon Dr. Kelley,
I have been meaning to email you the last couple of days, and unfortunately, I am just getting to it. I would like to thank you for introducing me to the study techniques that you have taken time out to show me. I've received my Bio Psy exam back and got a 92, which is the best grade yet excluding the open notebook exam. On quiz 1, I received an 88, quiz 2 an 84, quiz 3 a 76, quiz 4 (open notebook) a 96, and quiz 5 (using your studying techniques) a 92! Thank you so much. As a reminder, I am still interested in meeting with your wife on the 24th! If you can send me that information, I would greatly appreciate it.
Student 13
Another update email from Student 13
From: Student 13
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 10:05 AM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Quiz 6
Good Morning,
I am more than thrilled to tell you about the second test that I have taken since I've seen you. As I stated the first test after seeing you I scored a 92 on! :) On my most recent test from last week, my teacher emailed me and stated that he was very surprised; it made him smile to see my quiz on top of the pile for BOTH SECTIONS (Bio Psy) that he teaches! I scored a 96, which was the highest grade of them all. I am very blessed and appreciative of your services!! Thank you so much!! Have a wonderful day and stay blessed!
Student 13
Last email from student 13 for the Spring 2014 semester
From: Student 13
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:03 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Bio Chem Exam
Good Afternoon,
I am writing you to update you on my Bio Chem Exam which was my initial reasoning for coming to you, but it seems you have helped in all classes!! Thank you! My first exam grade in this class was a 58. My second exam was a 64.6. Then I came to you for assistance. My third exam grade (which I just took Wednesday) was ........... (wait for it) ..... (wait for it) ...... an 83 !! Even though it wasn't in the 90 range, I am so proud of myself! This is the best that I have done alone without any notebooks by myself, and I know I still have room for improvement! If we could meet about a strategy on how to start studying for my final in this class, it would be greatly appreciated because my final grade can replace my lecture grade right now, which is a 78.
Student 13
This student earned a grade of B for
Cell Biology and a grade of an A- for
Student 14 was having a hard time adjusting and was considering dropping out of college.
These emails were sent after we discussed how to study and make a study schedule.
Student 14
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 11:27 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: about my grades
Dr. Kelley,
I just wanted to say, honestly, thank you so much. Using your study techniques, I got a 92% on the chemistry exam, which was a huge improvement from my 50% and 56% on the previous exams. The study technique helped me use my time more efficiently as well as also teach me the correct way to study instead of how I had tried before. Dr. Kelley, you also helped me by showing that I had potential and that someone else believed in me, which I am forever grateful for. Both the support system behind you as you find your way and giving the knowledge for a more successful and efficient way to study really helped me in CHM 206 and will continue to help me throughout my learning career.
Thank you so much,
Student 14
Update email from Student 14
From: Student 14
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 2:44 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Final Grade
Dear Dr. Kelley,
I feel like I need to thank you again. Final grades just were posted, and I did it, I got a 167.2 on the final! At the very least, I have gotten a C in Chemistry, which at midterms seemed impossible for me. Thank you so much for helping me this semester, I honestly cannot thank you enough! You helped me regain my confidence and helped me to start reaching my full potential. Thank you so much! You truly are the best!
Student 14
This student went from an F to earning a B-.
Student 15 emails after we discussed the study cycle and making a study schedule
From: Student 15
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 12:54 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Re: FW: about my grades
Dear. Dr. Kelley,
I'm incredibly grateful for your help in teaching me effective study skills this semester. I got an 86.8% on the last Chem test. This is a huge improvement from the 40% and 63% I got on the last two tests. I'm thankful you recognized my potential and you continued to believe in me. I have seen major improvements in my other classes as well. By using your study techniques, I was able to effectively prioritize my studying and complete my course-work more efficiently. Time management has always been a great struggle for me, but these good study habits as well as the organization it brings have truly helped me. I will never forget these lessons, and I'm still learning every day. Again, I am beyond grateful for all that you've done for me.
Student 15
Student 15 update email and Chemistry 206 final exam result
From: Student 15
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 2:46 PM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Re: Final Exam
Dear Dr. Kelley,
I got a 170.2 on the final exam. It was the tenth highest score out of 184 students. Your study program, your encouragement, and being under your tutelage are phenomenal. I have never seen such growth so quickly. I know I owe all of my success to practicing your teachings and seeing the tutors. I can't even begin to thank you enough for what you've done for me. Next year I'm taking Organic Chem. I know I can't wait to bother you some more!! Have a great summer, and I can't wait to work with you in the Fall.
Student 15
This student earned a B in Chemistry 206.
This email is from a student athlete facing academic dismissal at the end of Spring 2013 semester.
This email was sent two weeks after the end of the semester and our discussions regarding the study cycle.
From: Student 16
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 1:18 AM
To: Kelley, Algernon
Subject: Grades
Hey Dr. Kelley,
I'm sorry that I am emailing you so late, but I finally decided to look at my grades. The reason I took so long is because I was very nervous that I did not pass and would be academically dismissed, but this is not the case! I passed everything- I earned a C+ in Calc, a C in Bio, and a C- in Econ. I understand that these grades are still very subpar for my capability, and I am determined to work a lot harder this coming Fall semester. Overall, my GPA was a 2.20 which got me off of probation, but I still have to attend a "study hall" for lacrosse; this can only help. Anyway, I am very thankful that you took time to work with me and give me words of encouragement. It helped tremendously. I can't thank you enough!!
Student 16